How do I prepare for Selenium automation testing interviews?

Important topics and interview preparation for automation test engineer. Here are the list of contents explained with all useful links and updates. 
Now if we assume you are ready to go and get with this career move.
Time is not a constraint, it purely depends on person’s ability to grasp

software automation engineer interview preparation

  1. Firstly, you need to learn any programming and scripting language like JAVA, Python, Ruby,etc.
  2. Get familiar with basic concepts like OOPS concepts, various Data Types and Variables, Operators, Decision Making, Arrays, Loops, Classes and Objects, Class Constructors, String Classes, etc.
  3. Now coming to selenium webdriver part start with Set Up/Configure Selenium WebDriver
  4. Get acquainted with various WebDriver Commands

    Below are the topics which you need to be clear to be a Professional Selenium Tester;
  1. Core Java
  2. Selenium WebDriver
  3. HTML traversal & DOM concepts
  4. CSS Selectors & XPATH
  5. JavaScript for Selenium Webdriver
  6. TestNG concepts for test organization, prioritization & batch execution
  7. Github concepts for source code management
  8. Jenkins for CD/CI
  9. Basic understanding of different frameworks - keyword driven, data driven, hybrid, POM
  10. Basic understanding of the workings of their current framework - folder structure, object repositories, reusable functions, test data flow, reporting libraries etc.