Appium 2.0 Releases and update - Part 2

With Appium 2.0 installs such dependencies in APPIUM_HOME environment variable. 

The default path is ~/.appium. So, the path to appium-webdriveragent could be $APPIUM_HOME/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent after installing the XCUITest driver package.

appium 2.0 release

Driver updates

In the past, to get updates to your iOS or Android drivers, you'd simply wait for those updates to be rolled into a new release of Appium, and then update your Appium version. With Appium 2.x, the Appium server and the Appium drivers are versioned and released separately.

To check for driver updates : 

- appium driver list --updates

To install the update for any driver

- appium driver update xcuitest

To update the Appium server itself, you do the same thing as in the past: 

  - npm install -g appium

If you would like to update to a specific version, not the latest, please uninstall the driver and install the desired version using the install subcommand instead of update.

- appium driver uninstall xcuitest

- appium driver install xcuitest@4.11.1

Protocol changes

Appium's API is based on the W3C WebDriver Protocol, and it has supported this protocol for years.

Up until Appium 2.0, Appium supported both protocols, so that older Selenium/Appium clients could still communicate with newer Appium servers. Moving forward, support for older protocols will be removed. Yet to wait for the update


Previously called "desired capabilities", and now called simply "capabilities"

For example:

  • appium:app
  • appium:noReset
  • appium:deviceName

Also introduced the option of wrapping up all Appium-related capabilities into one object capability, appium:options. 


  "platformName": "iOS",

  "browserName": "Safari",

  "appium:options": {

    "platformVersion": "14.4",

    "deviceName": "iPhone 11",

    "automationName": "XCUITest"



Image analysis features moved to plugin

Appium Java Client

Selenium client

8.5.0, 8.5.1

4.9.1, 4.10.0


4.8.2, 4.8.3, 4.9.0


4.7.0, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8.0, 4.8.1


4.5.0, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.5.3, 4.6.0

Appium 2.0 Release and update - Part 1

 Appium info

Appium Desktop is unsupported, no longer maintained, and has known security vulnerabilities. It is advised not to use it at all. Use at your own risk.

appium 2.0

Is Appium deprecated?

AppiumDriver methods resetApp, launchApp and closeApp have been deprecated as they are going to be removed from future Appium versions. The following method can be helpful to launch App by using startActivity method and ResetApp by using clearApp and StartActivity methods

Migrating from Appium 1.x to Appium 2.x

Appium 2.0 is the most major new release of Appium in over 5 years.

Default server base path : 

With Appium 1.x, the server would accept commands by default on http://localhost:4723/wd/hub

With Appium 2.x, the default base path for the server is now /

Installing drivers during setup :

With Appium 1.x, all available drivers would be installed at the same time as the main Appium server

With Appium 2.x, This is no longer the case. Simply installing Appium 2.0, will install the Appium server only, but no drivers

How to install appium 2.x

 - npm install -g appium@next

To install the latest versions of the XCUITest and UiAutomator2 drivers, after installing Appium you would run the following commands:

 - appium driver install uiautomator2     # installs the latest driver version

 - appium driver install xcuitest@4.12.2  # installs a specific driver version

If you want to install appium with two drivers for you in one go

 - npm install --global appium --drivers=xcuitest,uiautomator2

if you get an installation or startup error. Please uninstall any existing Appium 1.x npm packages

 - npm uninstall -g appium

Drivers installation path

  With installed Appium 1.x, all available drivers would be installed in the path as /path/to/appium/node_modules. 

For example, appium-webdriveragent to build WebDriverAgent manually was /path/to/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent.

Part 2 continues

How to install java and set environment variables and create java project in intellij

JRE (Java Runtime) is required to run Java programs. To write and run Java programs, JDK (Java Development Kit), which includes JRE plus development tools (e.g. compiler and debugger) is needed. In other words, JRE is a subset of JDK. You should install JDK, which includes JRE, as you need both as a developer. 

Below are the steps to install Java 

Step 1: First uninstall the older version of JDK/JRE. Go to control panel and uninstall java. 

We recommend that only the latest JDK be installed. Although it is possible to install multiple versions of JDK / JRE simultaneously.

Step 1: Install Java

Install Java in your system if not installed. To Check Java is already installed in your system or not, Follow below steps

1.      Press Window + R keys 

2.      Type cmd & hit Enter.

3.      In Command prompt: Type “java -version” and Enter.

4.      If the Java is already installed in your system, it returns the java version (as seen below). If not, it shows as invalid command.

windows java commands

How to Download/install Java JDK

1. Go to L-ink. Click on JDK Download for Java JDK download.
2. Download Java JDK version as per your system configurations (32 bit or 64 bit).
3. Once the Java JDK download is complete, run the exe for install JDK. Click Next
4. Place this file here: C:\Program Files\Java 
5. Follow the onscreen instructions in succeeding installation steps.
6. Once you install Java in windows, click Close.
7. Now, as mentioned in step1, check JAVA version in cmd window.