Here we go, Selenium Screen Recorder: How To Record Selenium Test Execution Video
Video Recording using selenium script |
By using Monte Screen Recorder API we record of our test cases as video format.
Monte Screen Recorder API available as Maven Dependencies where we can add in our POM.xml file as dependency tag.
How to Implement in our project :
We have one Java File of Recording screen functionality written and have attached as java file name as '' file
This '' file is the base function and we can use the method as 'MyScreenRecorder.startRecording("yourtestcase_recording")' in our own test case file.
For Example : Your Java file has the navigation function and if you want to record some scenarios, then we can use the method as 'MyscreenRecorder.startRecording' to start record and 'MyScreenRecorder.stopRecording' to stop the record.
public void navigation() throws Exception{
your code goes here
That's simple, your test case got recorded and saved in separate folder.