List of top security website testing tools

Financial services and the banking sector has been an all-time victim of security breaches, compromising massive sensitive user data. However, financial services are a must-have for everyone. So here we list some Security testing tools for building a robust application for the marketplace.

1. NTOSpider
NTOSpider provides full security for your web applications/services, mobile, and RIA applications. It is a Windows based web security tool and importantly it scans your application completely in less time and ensures security to the system, cost-effectively.
Official websiteNTOSpider
2. Brakeman v2.6.1
The tool is an Open-source scanner that checks Ruby on Rails apps for security vulnerabilities, available for Jenkins/Hudson and works on Rails 2.x, 3.x, and 4.x. It methodologically scans Rails application code to identify security issues at every stage.
Official WebsiteBrakeman
3. SiteDigger v3.0
It examines Google’s cache, errors, configuration issues, proprietary information and major security nuggets on the websites. Additionally, it has a good user interface that provides real-time results with the ability to save signature selection and result set.
You are not required to have Google API License Key to access the tool, as it runs on across all Windows OS required Microsoft .NET Framework v3.5.
Official WebsiteSiteDigger
4. Netsparker
It is a cross-platform web application security scanner that detects and reports website/web application vulnerabilities and issues with the security across any website/web app irrespective of the OS or technology it is built on.
Official WebsiteNetsparker
5. Network Mapper (NMap)
It is a cross-platform web security scanner scripted by Gordon Lyon founder of hosts and services on a computer network. It delivers required packets to the target machine and scrutinizes the response received.
Previously, it was only used for Linux, but it can be now used for Microsoft Windows, BSD variants – Mac OS X, AmigaOS, Solaris, HP-UX, , andSGI IRIX.
Official WebsiteNMap

6. Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)
It is a cross-platform online security project/ community that involves global organizations, educational institutions and individuals that focus on security for web applications by creating free articles, techniques, and tools.
Official WebsiteOWASP
7. HP Fortify
It is a security product suite by HP that embeds vulnerability detection, integrates static source code analysis, dynamic runtime analysis, and real-time monitoring to detect and prioritize critical security vulnerabilities.
Its Program Trace Analyzer (PTA) finds vulnerabilities that get visible only when the application is running. It integrates QA tests to find vulnerabilities when an application’s functional tests are going on.
Official site: HP Fortify
8. HP WebInspect
It is an automated security assessment tool by HP for testing web applications and services. It helps identify known and unknown vulnerabilities and incorporates checks to validate effective web server configuration.
It requires Windows and MSIE.
Official site: HP WebInspect
9. IBM Security AppScan
It is a tool suit by Rational/IBM that automates security testing for web and mobile applications. It enables defect analysis and recommends techniques to fix detected security loopholes.  Its assessment module can be used by auditors and compliance officers to conduct extensive audits and ensure compliance with security standards as well.
It enables static code analysis, offers support for JavaScript, HTML5, Cordova, Java and Objective-C.
Official site: IBM Security AppScan

Post author by Senior QA Nazeer


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